Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Day Off

Took a day off today for the first time in about 2-3 weeks. It was good to get away from the project for awhile. We hiked from Issaquah up the west side of Tiger Mt. to Poo Poo Point. Yes, that really is the name! It's where the hangliders take off from in the summer. Not today as there was about 2-3" of snow up top! I was suppose to leave out our hiking boots but somehow during the move they must have got packed;-( We hiked in our outdoor tennis shoes. The feet got a little wet but we survived :-)

View from the top looking north at Lake Sammamish and Issaquah

A New Bridge

Reworked the old ramp into a bridge directly on to the roof. This will be great for demo'ing the roof. Straight off and into the dumpster!Closed off the end two bedrooms tempoarily with some OSB. This provides some security for the appliances and tools that are left at the house.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Demolition

View looking down through the house from the existing garage or from where the new master closet will be
The old kitchen wall and where the future laundry and bathroom will be

The Demo Team

Russ and Ian came by to assist with the demolition. It sure goes faster with helping hands. Note the dust all over the camera lens!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Might Have Got Carried Away?

So my temporary access stairs ended up being 4 feet wide and fairly nice. They are a little steep so I thought wider might be better, plus it made for effecient material use.From the old garage up and.......................................Over the wall to the driveway area next to............................ ..................................the latest extra large 45 yard dumpster!
Bring on the Demolition!!!!

Moved Out

This is all that is left in the house, 1/2 a couch and some boxes in one bedroom
Do you always forget how to hook up the stereo, computer, etc? I do! Take a picture for future reference :-)

The Kitchen is now..........gone! I saved some cabinets for the future garage, The orange "S" means demolish the sheetrock only on this wall. Fun times ahead!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snowing on March 9th

Unbelievable weather for this time of year!

Doing some final packing, I don't think Q fits but he sure likes getting in boxes and bags:-)