Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm a List Guy

Today is a snow day; catching up with paperwork, revising and clarifying the plans, and planning what to tackle next, etc.. I have come to the conclusion that I am a list guy. I always have some sort of "To Do List" that I am working from. It keeps me organized and on track. Plus it feels good to check things off, especially when you feel like you aren't getting anywhere:-) Here is what I have learned over the years:
  • Write down all your things to do as they pop into your head
  • Organize and prioritize them after you have got them down.
  • Break down complex things into multiple steps to tackle individually
  • Check things off, cross them off, IT FEELS GOOD!
  • I keep my list in the same place always, a Steno legal pad that I take notes in also. That way you don't lose it.
  • By putting together a list I clear my head so I can focus.

I am pretty sure I wouldn't get much done without my lists! :-)

My Latest List

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a "list guy" as well, don't really get how anyone stays sane without them.....maybe they just have better memories than us.