Thursday, June 18, 2009

Your Project Schedule

I title this "Your" Project Schedule because pretty quickly the project seems to have a mind of its own when it comes to time! :-) This is my first time managing a major house remodel so I am learning as I go. As an architect, I have managed large commercial projects in the past and feel that being organized is really the key. The more you can organize and lay things out the less surprise you will have. Having said that I know I could be far better at planning ahead right now on the project but until recently I have been doing most of the work myself which made it hard. I hope to get more on top of this now that I have a Framing Crew doing the heavy lifting at the jobsite so to speak :-)

So speaking of the Framing Crew and schedules here is another interesting story and lesson learned. I had bids from Framing Contractors that were a little high for our budget so through friends, I had contacted some individual framers to put together a crew where I could provide some labor/swear equity and save some money. This was all coming together until the last possible minute when their current work pushed out their availability. If you know me you can imagine how "po'd" I was :-) I couldn't wait another 4 weeks so I went back to work and found another crew that I feel is working out even better. They started right away and are moving quickly so the costs should be even less. So the lesson? Shit Happens! Get pissed, get over it and move on. My job in this whole project is to handle these things when they come up and get the project back on track. And it all works out in the end. I just want a few more rain free weeks to get a roof on please! :-)

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